Spring 2010


Oomingmak • 3-Day Moose Strategy • How to Cape your Trophy




The Opener 6

Editor’s Tracks 8

Hunting for a Compliment 10

Gear Shop 16

Technical Talk 20

Wing Shooting 26

After the Shot 34

Hunt Alaska Recipe 76

Advertiser Index 78

Last Shot 82


Hunting Safety 38

Alaska’s Coast Guard provides 8 steps we can all follow to ensure a safer hunt.


Bison 42

Randy Apling and his dad Floyd take down a ten-year-old bison.

Bears I Have Known 48

Paul D. Atkins shares his most memorable encounters with bears from all over the Great Land.

3 Day Strategies 54

Alaska guide and moose call designer Wayne Kubat shares insider tips to a three-day successful moose hunt.

The Bearded One 60

Lon E. Lauber talks of times when hunting Oomingmak by bow in the Far North was his pastime.

Arctic Terror 68

Associate Editor Scott Haugen has seen the Arctic polar bear up close and personal.

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
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