Fall 2014


In the Field




The Opener  6

Editor’s Tracks  8

Hunt Alaska Online  10

Hunting for a Compliment 12

Gear Shop 16

Technical Talk 20

After the Shot 24

Ballistics & Ammo 26

Shooting for the Field 30

Life on the Ledge 34

Red Gold  36

Backcountry Safety 38

Hunt Alaska Recipe 78

Advertiser Index 80

Last Shot 81


Trophy of a Lifetime by Billie Molls
Trek along into the Brooks Range, as Alaska guide Billy Molls helps his father fulfill a lifelong caribou dream, learning along the way that the real trophies from our adventures lie in the memories, not the size of the bulls.

A Cure to Goat Fever by Bjorn Dihle
Years of experience hunting for a prize billy among the lofty peaks of southeast Alaska have built into something of an obsession for author Bjorn Dihle. He shares his opinions and advice on hunting Alaska’s mountain goats here.

Living the Dream in Alaska by Ryan Schmidt
Without question the Alaska moose presents the ultimate big-game meat hunt in the state, and here Ryan Schmidt and his father find a trophy in the most fortuitous of circumstances.

Sitka Deer Diary by Lon Lauber
Surviving more than three weeks alone in the Kodiak wilderness, Lon Lauber relives an incredible adventure, which ended with him bagging four record-book bucks.

Sharptails in a Snowstorm by Mike Chihuly
Lace up your walking boots and come along on a fall hunt for sharptailed grouse. As the author points out, sharptails are great for dogs, fun to hunt and delicious to eat.

Egegik Brown Bears by Scott Haugen
Hunt Alaska associate editor Scott Haugen hauls himself to the reaches of the Alaska Peninsula in search of a 10-footer—and there encounters one of the epic hunts North America has to offer.

COVER/ Ryan Schmidt was fortunate to take this trophy moose on a dream trip with his father. © Ryan Schmidt

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
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