Plano Rear Mount ATV Storage Box
We mounted this box on the back rack of a Polaris 550 Sportsman and spent many weeks living out of it. It housed our gear for hundreds of miles over rough and varied terrain. It’s tough, has a snug foam seal that keeps out water and mud, and is spacious with interior dimensions of 36 x 17 x11 inches.
SKB Double RifleTransport Case 5009
We have used this case to transport rifles all over Alaska for many years, from above the Arctic Circle to Prince of Wales Island, from Bethel to Kodiak, and the case has protected our guns perfectly. This case has the capacity to carry two scoped long rifles and is comprised of an HDPE shell with a weather resistant O-ring seal. The latches are strong and the outer ones lock. It has both a carry and tow handle, as well as built-in wheels.
SealLine Pro Portage Pack
This has been our bag of choice for bush travel for the last 20 years. Without a doubt it is one of the best choices when floating rivers. Its size allows you to easily fit 50 pounds of gear into the bag, making it well-suited to maximizing airline weight requirements. In two of these dry bags, we can fit food, clothing, shelter and hunting gear (firearm or bow excluded) for a weeklong float-hunt. They are completely waterproof and will float, as attested by the pack that floated several miles of the Kisaralik before we caught up to it. The shoulder and waist straps are comfortable, allowing you to hike with the pack. And the beefy grab handle has been durable and makes it easy to haul a packed bag.