Summer 2018





Summer 2018
Monster Moose

The Opener 6
Editor’s Tracks 8
Online 10
Hunting for a Compliment 12
Technical Talk 14
After the Shot 16
Ballistics & Ammo 18
Resident Hunters of Alaska 21
Shooting for the Field 22
Life on the Ledge 24
Red Gold 26
Advertiser Index 73
Recipe 74

COVER / Marcus Weiner and Kirk Studebaker took two fine moose while hunting on the Innoko River. © Brian Woobank


Stalking Monster Moose
by Marcus Weiner  28

Hunt Alaska publisher Marcus Weiner hunted the Innoko River drainage last fall for moose with partners Kirk “Sniper” Studebaker and Brian Woobank with help from Alaska Monster Moose Transporters out of Holy Cross. The “Tips for the Field” sidebar is must-read information for anyone planning a moose hunt to this area.

Sea Duck Reflections
by Scott Haugen  34

From Valdez to Cold Bay to St. Paul Island, sea duck hunting in the Last Frontier can be phenomenal for a variety of species including harlequin ducks, scoters, eiders, black brant, long-tailed ducks and others.

Bowhunting for Moose
by Lon E. Lauber  40

Alaska has the most moose hunting opportunity of all 50 states in the Union. Despite this, moose aren’t easy, especially for bow hunters. Lon Lauber covers everything from planning an Alaska archery moose hunt to dealing with the beast once it’s down.

An Adventure They’ll Never Forget
by Billy Molls  46

Billy Molls relives a story of high adventure involving a man and his two sons hunting bear and caribou north of the Brooks Range.

2018 Hunt Alaska Editors’ Choice Awards  50

The third annual Hunt Alaska Editor’s Choice Awards showcase the best gear we tested in 2018. Categories for this year’s awards include Firearms and Ammunition, Optics, Archery, Field Accessories, Knives and Packs, Shooting, Camping, Cooking, and Apparel.

New Gear  66

Now is the time to start gearing up for hunting season! Here’s a short list of some promising new items to consider taking to the field with you in 2018. Rest assured, we’ll be testing many of these ourselves this fall.

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Weight 6 oz
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