Editor’s Tracks 6

Hunting for a Compliment 8

How To: Knife Sharpening 12

Gear Shop 16

Technical Talk 24

After the Shot 28

Hunt Alaska Recipe 82

Advertiser Index 84

Last Shot 86


Tundra Basics for Bowhunters 40

Hunt Alaska Contributing Editor Paul Atkins specifies a pre-hunting program to get bowhunters ready to take on the tundra this fall.


Backstrap Fever: Kodiak Deer 32

Hunt Alaska Publisher Marcus Weiner has deer fever on the Karluk where hunting and fishing is a world-classs experience. Here’s an in depth look at how to do it yourself.

Moose/Caribou Combo 48

Plan the combo trip of a lifetime and fill the freezer in one fell swoop. As if one of these glorious animals isn’t an experience enough, Lon Lauber shows us how to enjoy the variety and maximize your hunt.

Dall Sheep Adventures in the Chugach 56

Associate Editor Scott Haugen tackles Alaska’s Chugach terrain all in the name of Dall sheep.

Brown Bear on the High Seas 64

Larry Hatter worries that he won’t get a chance at his dream brown bear after 9 days at sea.

Admirality Island Brown Bear 74

Tim McGee shares his experience in southeast Alaska on Admiralty Island.